Chandra Mohanty
In other words, Western feminist discourse, by assuming women as a coherent, already constituted group which is placed in kinship, legal and other structures, defines third world women as subjects outside of social relations, instead of looking at the way women are constituted as women through these very structures. Legal, economic, religious, and familial structures are treated as phenomena to be judged by Western standards. It is here that ethnocentric universality comes into play.
"There is no single feminist standpoint because our maps require too many dimensions for that metaphor to ground our visions. But the feminist standpoint theorists' goal of an epistemology and politics of engaged, accountable positioning remains eminently potent. The goal is better accounts of the world, that is, 'science'".
Donna Haraway
PhD Dissertation
WHAT, HOW, AND WHO: the substantive representation of women in Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Sweden
Master's Thesis
A PRESENÇA FEMININA NOS ESPAÇOS LEGISLATIVOS: um estudo das eleições de 2010 para a Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais
Title in English: WOMEN'S PRESENCE IN LEGISLATIVE SPACES: a study of the 2010 elections for the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais
Journal Publications
Gomes, L. Tweets don’t vote – Twitter discourse from Wales and England during Brexit. Frontiers in Sociology, Special Issue Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Diversity in a Post-Brexit and pandemic Britain, 2023.
Gomes, L. Bang for the buck: Brazil’s electoral and political financing rules from a gendered perspective. E-Legis, 2021.
Almeida, H.; Gomes, L. Embates e silêncios: Lideranças Partidárias do Legislativo no Twitter. Aurora. Revista de Arte, Mídia e Política, v. 14, issue 40, 2021.
Title in English: Conflicts and silences: legislative party leaders on Twitter.
Gomes, L. Book review: Muriaas, Ragnhild L., Vibeke Wang, and Rainbow Murray, eds. Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Canadian Journal of Political Science (Print ISSN 0008-4239; Online ISSN 1744-9324), 2020.
Goulart, T.; Gomes, L. Gender Differences in Local Executives: Public Policy and Intergovernmental Transfers in a Brazilian state. FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudios de Género, v. 3, p. 9, 2018. DOI: 10.20318/femeris.2018.4318
Gomes, L. Elegendo mulheres? Ideologia partidária, feminismo e inclusão de mulheres na política. Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Política. 2016.
Title in English: Electing women? Party ideology, feminism, and the inclusion of women in politics.
Gomes, L. The impact of political trajectories on voting: a study of female candidates for a state legislature in Brazil. Politikon, v. 28, p. 5-26, 2015.
Labour Market Update for Wales. Wales Fiscal Analysis. 2023.
Multi-agency working and outcomes for children looked after: Evidence review. WCPP, Cardiff: Wales. 2021.
Reform of Electoral Law and Practice. WCPP, Cardiff: Wales. 2021.
Supporting the Welsh Lifelong Learning system WCPP, Cardiff: Wales. 2022.
Book chapters
Almeida, H., Gomes, L. E o Nordeste? E o Twitter? O Twitter nas majoritárias municipais nordestinas. Collection edited by the National Institute of Science & Technology in Digital Democracy. 2023.
Title in English: What about the Northeast? And Twitter? Twitter in municipal executive elections in the Brazilian Northeast
Silame, T., Gomes, L.; Almeida, H. Minas Gerais: no estado em que menos investiu em saúde em 2020 a Covid-19 se alastra pelo interior In: Silva, J. dos S. et al. ATLAS DA COVID-19 As Políticas Públicas de Combate à COVID-19 no Brasil. GeoLAB/UFAC, 2021.
Title in English: Minas Gerais: in the state where the least was invested in healthcare in 2020, Covid-19 spreads through the countryside.
Gomes, L.; Almeida, H. Eleitor Médio. Espectro Ideológico. In: Souza, Cláudio et al. (org.). Dicionário de Ciência Política. Juruá, 2020.
Title in English: Median Voter. Ideological Spectrum. Dictionary of Political Science.
Almeida, H.; Gomes, L. Mais exóticos que jabuticabas? Os sistemas eleitorais brasileiros. In: Agra; Pereira; Fux; Peccinin. Coleção Tratado de Direito Eleitoral. Fórum, 2018.
Title in English: More exotic than grapetrees? The Brazilian electoral systems.
Batitucci, E.; Godinho, L.; Castro, L; Gomes, L. Policiamento comunitário e participação social em Minas Gerais: Entre a narrativa oficial e a efetividade das reformas. In: Almir de Oliveira Junior. (Org.). Instituições participativas no âmbito da segurança pública. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: IPEA, 2016, p. 55-118.
Title in English: Community policing and social participation in Minas Gerais: between the official narrative and the effectiveness of reforms.
Godinho, L.; Gomes, L. 2015. ‘Middle-level bureaucracy dilemmas in the context of a loosely articulated policy: the case of the National Public Security Department’. In: Middle-level bureaucracy: Dilemmas in the context of a loosely articulated policy: the case of the National Public Security, eds. Pedro (Org.) Cavalcante and Gabriela (Org ) Lotta. Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap). (Also available in Portuguese).
Other outlets
2021. A conta chegou em Minas Gerais. With Thiago Silame and Helga Almeida. On problems of institutional direction in the state of Minas Gerais and the spread of Covid-19.
2021. The annulment of ex-president Lula’s conviction is a turning point in Brazil’s 2022 elections. For The Loop, the ECPR blog. With Fernanda Barasuol.
2020. Brazil during Covid-19: the tale of a rudderless ship and a clueless captain. For the Political Studies Association website.
2020. Minas Gerais: no estado em que menos investiu em saúde em-2020 a Covid-19 se alastra pelo interior. With Thiago Silame and Helga Almeida. On the lack of health funding in the state of Minas Gerais and the spread of Covid-19.
2019. Getting data is hard to do: clean data on House of Commons members. For the Political Studies Association website.
Research piece for media. 2018. Gendered violence in a coup d’état. For the Political Studies Association website. With Helga Almeida, and Clarisse Paradis.