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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Dec 10, 20182 min read
Day 9: Happy researcher is exhausted
A happy researcher is a tired one. On my last day, I went to a party convention, hoping to interview two representatives who were going...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Dec 6, 20182 min read
Day 8: Sad researcher is sad
What that picture doesn't show is how empty that committee room was. On that day, there was also what we call a "solemn session", that...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Dec 4, 20183 min read
Day 7: The Wednesday hussle
So, yeah, I'm super late with this post. Such is the life of fieldwork and research - some things fall by wayside. I took copious notes...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 28, 20183 min read
Day 6: I did it!
Another Tuesday that feels like an entire week; and I got an interview! But the Chamber is a place of paradoxes and conflicts. I also...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 27, 20182 min read
Day 5: Ramping things up again
Yes, I know, Monday is not a day of much activity, I've said as much on Day 1. But it's the day when all activity is planned. Which means...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 23, 20182 min read
Day 4: Winding things down
Day 4 goes on with much less effort. So much so, that the picture above was taken on Day 3. It is a quote from president Juscelino...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 22, 20182 min read
Day 3: Prep-week and interview week
Day 3 is a Wednesday and that's where all the parlamentarians are really in the Chamber getting things done. The fact that I scheduled...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 21, 20182 min read
Day 2: Black Awareness Day
Day 2 is Tuesday and on Tuesdays the Chamber really comes alive. It's what Mondays are for everyone else. But this is no ordinary...
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Larissa Peixoto Gomes
Nov 19, 20182 min read
Day 1: Everyone hates Mondays
As part of my PhD thesis, I have gone to each country to interview key individuals and observe sessions and daily activities. I did a...
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